Share. Re-Do. Reflect.

Share a Photo You're Happy With

Select a Photo: Choose one photo you’ve taken since the start of this class that you’re particularly happy with.

Write a Reflection: Comment on why you like this photo. Consider aspects such as composition, lighting, subject matter, or any specific techniques you used. What makes this photo stand out to you?

Share a Photo You're Less Happy With and Re-Do It

  • Select a Photo to Improve: Choose one photo you’re less happy with. Identify what specifically you’re not satisfied with. Is it the composition, lighting, focus, or something else?

  • Re-Do the Photo: Take a new photo with the aim of improving on the original. Make the necessary changes to address the issues you identified. 

  • Write a Reflection: Comment on why you chose to re-do this photo and what changes you made. How do the improvements align with your initial critique?

Comment on Your Progress Towards Your Goals

  • Review Initial Goals: Reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of the class. Consider your progress towards these goals.

  • Write a Reflection: Discuss your progress. Have you met your goals? Are you on track? What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them? What achievements are you proud of?

Set New Goals or Re-Work Initial Goals

  • Revisit Your Goals:Consider if your initial goals still align with your current aspirations. If needed, set new goals or re-work your existing ones to better fit your progress and interests.

  • Write Your Goals: Clearly outline your goals for the remainder of the class. Break them down into actionable steps to ensure they are attainable.

Don’t forget to complete your Learning Journals!

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